Slide decks

The inevitable emergence of write-only software from Phil Calçado
"Monoliths are Simpler" and other lies we tell ourselves from Phil Calçado
The Economics of Microservices (redux) from Phil Calçado
From microservices to serverless - Chicago CTO Summit 2019 from Phil Calçado
The Not-So-Straightforward Road From Microservices to Serverless from Phil Calçado
Ten Years of Failing Microservices from Phil Calçado
Debugging Microservices from Phil Calçado
My journey through microservices so far… from Phil Calçado
The Next Generation of Microservices from Phil Calçado
The Next Generation of Microservices — YOW 2017 Brisbane from Phil Calçado
The Economics of Microservices (2017 CraftConf) from Phil Calçado
Some thoughts on evolving Edge Architectures from Phil Calçado
Microservices vs. The First Law of Distributed Objects - GOTO Nights Chicago 2017 from Phil Calçado
Microservices in your Datacentre from Phil Calçado
DigitalOcean: Microservices as the Cloud from Phil Calçado
Finagle @ SoundCloud from Phil Calçado
A Brief Talk On High-Performing Organisations from Phil Calçado
Three Years of Microservices at SoundCloud - Distributed Matters Berlin 2015 from Phil Calçado
Rhein-Main Scala Enthusiasts — Your microservice as a Function from Phil Calçado
ScalaItaly 2015 - Your Microservice as a Function from Phil Calçado
No Free Lunch, Indeed: Three Years of Micro-services at SoundCloud from Phil Calçado
Finagle-Based Microservices at SoundCloud from Phil Calçado
What has SoundCloud learnt about Microservices? from Phil Calçado
An example of Future composition in a real app from Phil Calçado
APIs: The Problems with Eating your Own Dog Food from Phil Calçado
Why code in Node.js often get rejected by SoundCloud from Phil Calçado
Evolutionary Architecture at Work from Phil Calçado
Structuring apps in Scala from Phil Calçado
From a monolithic Ruby on Rails app to the JVM from Phil Calçado
Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a Popular API from Phil Calçado
SoundCloud Masterclass on Brazil from Phil Calçado
SpeakerConf: my findings in trying to use this functional programming business you guys keep talking about from Phil Calçado
[GOTO Copenhagen 2012] The Startup Hangover: Supporting 15 mil Users from Phil Calçado
Function Composition: The top reason node.js submissions get rejected by SoundCloud from Phil Calçado
(v2.0) Better Functional Design Through Test-Driven Development from Phil Calçado
mistaeks i’ve made developing software products from Phil Calçado
Berlin-Brandenburg Scala User Group: objects can still teach us one or two things. from Phil Calçado
A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong Introduction to Alan Turing's Work from Phil Calçado
Better Functional Design through TDD from Phil Calçado
what i have learnt working with startups. from Phil Calçado
How to make $30 million with a $500 investment from Phil Calçado
Why Enterprise Architecture Usually Sucks. from Phil Calçado
Agile And Web Projects (in 20 minutes) from Phil Calçado
Agile Estimation And Planning from Phil Calçado
I Wish i Knew that Before Getting This Job from Phil Calçado
I Wish i Knew that Before Getting This Job from Phil Calçado
The Curse of The Agile Software Factory from Phil Calçado
(ThoughtWorks Away Day 2009) one or two things you may not know about typesystems from Phil Calçado
Expressive Design (in 20 minutes) from Phil Calçado
Lisp Macros in 20 Minutes (Featuring Clojure) from Phil Calçado
lightweight SOA with web widgets from Phil Calçado
From Domain-Driven Design to Domain-Specific Languages: an example from Phil Calçado
From Domain-Driven Design to internal Domain-Specific Languages? from Phil Calçado

Presentations in Portuguese

(In Portuguese) Seu produto é um sucesso, e agora? desafios técnicos que uma start-up enfrenta - from Phil Calçado
Modelagem Ágil - AgileBrazil 2010 from Phil Calçado
(Portuguese) Java EE Poliglota from Phil Calçado
(In Portuguese) Tudo que eu queria saber antes de virar um líder técnico from Phil Calçado
(In Portuguese) Workshop de Domain-Driven Design from Phil Calçado
Arquitetura Java em 2007 (Java Architecture in 2007) from Phil Calçado
A Maldição da Fábrica de Software Ágil (The Curse of the Agile Software Factory) from Phil Calçado
Introduzindo Agilidade em Um Ambiente from Phil Calçado
Além do Java - Maratona4Java 2005 de Phil Calçado
Arquitetura de Camadas em Java EE - Maraton4Java 2005 from Phil Calçado
A Web 2.0 Somos Nozes from Phil Calçado